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Q&A with Zalak Trivedi from Sigma Computing: What are the Benefits of Embedded Analytics for Enterprises?

Enterprises are facing increasing demands from customers seeking access to their data. Historically, businesses have responded by establishing "customer portals" facilitating secure access to a self-service analytics environment. In today's dynamic market, providing such a service is no longer just an added benefit—it's a necessity.

Embedding analytics seamlessly integrates your customer's experience. If a customer spends significant time in your application, embedding ensures they don't need to leave your platform to obtain insights elsewhere.

Offering embedded analytics to customers provides a myriad of benefits and opportunities to enterprises, such as:

  • An avenue to transform data into a valuable asset and monetize it
  • Enhanced service engagement
  • Increased customer satisfaction and retention
  • Elevated brand value

Should enterprises build or buy business intelligence solutions?

There are several factors an enterprise needs to consider when weighing whether to buy or build a business intelligence solution (or any tech product for that matter).

It all comes down to this: what resources does your company have and which path encapsulates all or most of the attributes you want in the solution.

Unless an enterprise is immediately able to take on the upfront cost, longer development time and employee resources of building a custom solution, partnering with a trusted business intelligence solution provider generally optimizes your engineering resources and the ability to scale quickly with unmatched performance. While this decision is case-specific, buying a pre-built solution offers a faster time to market, access to expertise and support, and proven scalability. Taking it a step further, by working with a proven solution provider like Sigma, you can experience advantages like Multi-Tenancy, a feature we’re rolling out this year wherein embedded customers can securely provide the full Sigma experience including self-serve administration to their end consumer.

How does embedded analytics unlock new revenue streams?

Embedded analytics provides your enterprise's users with personalized data insights, increasing product retention and engagement. A better product inherently improves stickiness and leads to more incremental revenue. The most powerful features of a product like Sigma are the ‘drill down’ and ‘filtering’ capabilities. Often, once a company gets to exploring this level of granular insights, it becomes much more apparent whether there’s a new sales channel they can explore. Building marketing intelligence into your own applications is a huge differentiator, ensuring an enterprise isn’t missing out on potential revenue.

What are the benefits of building a data application using Sigma?

Data Applications are a revolutionary way to automate and optimize business processes by seamlessly combining data, user experience, and business logic. Data apps, designed to be agile and move at the speed of business, don’t require management by a central IT team. They incorporate data from multiple systems, and can be easily adapted to fit your enterprise’s unique metrics and workflows. Only with Sigma do you have the capability to build scalable Data Apps. With our features like Sigma Actions, even a less technical user can power forms, multi-user workflows and interactivity – all without writing any code. Sigma’s secure write-back functionality allows users to write new data back to their warehouse alongside the original data.

Transforming your business with modern data apps drives better business outcomes and the most efficient automation is done by people who own and understand the accountability for their jobs. Enabling them to take action boosts efficiency and effectiveness.
