A new startup in London has been launched to help landlords release funds and get access to capital to reduce carbon emissions and improve tenant wellbeing.
Factored, is the new business launched by two friends David Rabee and Ben Schuldenfrei, who have a combined 20 years of experience in the property and finance industry and together saw a gap in the market.

“The landlord industry is booming with over 8.6 million households renting in the UK, but the problem is that for many landlords getting access to affordable and flexible capital is a challenge,” explains Rabee.
“Banks can be very restrictive with their lending and there are very few, if any, tailored financial products specifically for landlords.”
“Factored aims to resolve this,” he continues. “Our product is based on factoring, which is commonly used with invoices, and applying this concept to future rental income. Landlords can draw down up to £10,000 of future rental income and put this towards important property improvements, renovations, energy efficiency upgrades and expanding their portfolio.”
“The benefits are many,” explains Schuldenfrei. “Our rates are affordable and the process to take out an advance is quick and easy! Plus the landlord can protect their credit score as we don’t perform hard credit checks..”
“For landlords, they can use the advance to improve the quality of the properties and increase their value, whilst potentially giving tenants a better product and even being able to charge more rent down the line.”
“Our factoring product appeals to all landlords, of all sizes, from very established ones, to those just starting out.” he says.
“For more established landlords, the offer of low rates and fast turnarounds is attractive. For less experienced landlords, the premise of no hard credit checks, flexibility, inclusivity of those facing challenges and early settlement discounts make it a popular choice.”
The startup has had a strong launch, attracting customers from all over the country, even in remote areas, much to their surprise.
“We are excited to scale our business over Q3 and Q4 and introduce more solutions and offerings down the line.