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New Technology to Combat Telephone Scams and Protect the Vulnerable

A revolutionary new call security system is set to pull the rug out from under the feet of criminal telephone scammers conning millions of Britons out of their hard-earned savings. Phonely, an innovative employee-owned telecoms disruptor, has developed and unleashed their cutting-edge ‘CallGuard’ technology across the UK.

CallGuard is an innovative VoIP solution developed by Phonely that leverages cutting-edge AI technology to combat telephone fraud and scams targeting vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. The core innovation lies in CallGuard's ability to detect potential scam calls through advanced voice analysis and natural language processing.

How Does CallGuard Work?

When a call is placed to a Phonely user, CallGuard's proprietary AI models analyse the voice data and transcribed text to identify verbal cues and phrases associated with scams, such as "computer virus" or "bank details." If a suspected scam is detected, CallGuard immediately alerts a designated "Trusted Person" (e.g., family member or friend) via a mobile app, allowing them to provide support and intervention.

This technological and human-powered defensive arsenal aims to shut down fraudsters at every turn by combining advanced VoIP call filtering with intelligent human monitoring and intervention capabilities. Crucially, it puts robust scam defences in the hands of society's most vulnerable groups who are being mercilessly targeted.

Protecting the Vulnerable

"The heart-breaking stories of elderly victims financially devastated by these cruel scams are sickening," states Kelly Ball, Phonely's Customer Care Manager. "We've made it our mission to give the most at-risk people an impenetrable shield so they can answer their phone without fear of being manipulated and robbed by these criminal predators."

CallGuard's multi-layered protections include automatically blocking known scam numbers, anti-fraud introductions, smart criminal keyword detection, call recording, and a powerful ‘trust’ capability allowing a nominated friend or family member to seamlessly join live calls to provide support or shut calls down.

"Having someone you trust on the line to identify red flags is vital when scammers use extreme fear, manipulation, and urgency to confuse and frighten people into parting with their pension or life savings," Kelly explains. "CallGuard can stop devious criminals dead in their tracks before any damage is done."

Increasing Demand for Scam Protection

The demand for such protective technology has skyrocketed as increasingly sophisticated telephone rackets have increased. The UK Finance annual fraud report has revealed a concerning trend – while overall fraud losses decreased by 4% to £1.17 billion, the losses from telephone fraud have surpassed those from anything online. The report highlights that 43% of losses stemmed from telecoms fraud, compared to 30% online.

"Make no mistake, after email providers finally got their phishing house in order, these cunning scammers pivoted back to preying on the elderly and isolated over the phone," states Bryn Thompson, Phonely's Marketing Director. "As an industry, we have a moral duty to use the power of new technologies to make this insidious criminal practice obsolete once and for all."
