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Interview with Raluca Saceanu, CEO of Smarttech247 Group PLC

We sat down with Raluca Saceanu, CEO of Smarttech247, an enterprise cyber security organization. Trusted by global private and public organizations, the Smarttech247 platform provides threat intelligence with managed detection and response to provide actionable insights, 24/7 threat detection, investigation, and response. She shared her insights into the ever-changing world of cybersecurity and how to increase diversity within this field.

Please share the background of what Smarttech247 does and how it got started

Smarttech247 is an award-winning global cybersecurity business that combines human expertise with managed detection and response (MDR) to provide insights, 24/7 threat detection, investigation and response services to its global customer base.

Cybersecurity has become a critical challenge for organisations across all sectors, with global cybercrime expected to cost $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Every 39 seconds, a cyberattack occurs, and the average cost of a data breach has reached $4.88 million in 2024. These rising threats make it imperative for businesses to stay ahead of cybercriminals. With the growing sophistication of cyberattacks, including ransomware, phishing, and advanced persistent threats, organisations need more than basic defences—they need proactive, real-time solutions.

At Smarttech247, our mission is to keep our customers secure in this increasingly volatile cyber landscape. We understand that the repercussions of cyberattacks are not just financial but also reputational, which can be devastating to any business. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI and machine learning, combined with human expertise, we provide organisations with advanced threat detection and rapid response capabilities.

Our proactive approach ensures that businesses can prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats effectively, minimising damage and safeguarding critical assets. This commitment to protecting our customers has earned us industry recognition, including being named Cyber Security Company of the Year by the Chambers Ireland InBusiness Recognition Awards in 2023. Moreover, Smarttech247 was recognised as an MDR vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response.

What strategies do you employ to create an inclusive and diverse culture at Smarttech247, especially in an industry where women are underrepresented?

Every leader within our organisation understands the benefits that come from diverse teams, as they tend to be more innovative and resourceful. We strongly believe that at Smarttech247 our diversity is a core strength, allowing us to harness the collective intelligence and creativity of our team to respond promptly and efficiently to emerging cyber threats.

Creating an inclusive and divisive work culture in the cybersecurity industry requires intentionality and prioritisation from the top of the organisation, especially in an industry where women are underrepresented. At Smarttech247, we do this by encouraging mentorship and sponsorship programs, offering leadership development opportunities, and ensuring that women are represented in decision-making processes at all levels. As a result, we are proud that women make up 40% of our organisation, where the industry average is only 25%.

Your career trajectory has taken you from strategic management to leading a cutting-edge cybersecurity firm. What advice would you give to women aspiring to leadership roles in tech, especially in specialised fields like cybersecurity?

The tech industry, and particularly cybersecurity, offers incredible opportunities for growth, innovation, and leadership. My advice to women aspiring to leadership roles in specialised fields like cybersecurity is to continuously seek knowledge and build strong relationships with allies.

Continuous learning is also crucial, especially in rapidly evolving fields like tech and cybersecurity. Embrace curiosity and stay up to date with the latest developments, trends, and innovations. The ability to adapt and grow alongside the industry will set you apart as a forward-thinking leader.

Finally, take ownership of your career path. Be proactive in seeking new challenges and opportunities, whether by stepping outside your comfort zone or pursuing leadership roles that align with your passion and expertise. With perseverance, self-confidence, and a strong support network, you can achieve meaningful and impactful leadership in tech.

Cybersecurity is often perceived as a male-dominated field. What do you think are the main barriers preventing more women from entering or advancing in this industry?

Closing the gender skills gap in cybersecurity isn’t just important—it’s essential. A diverse workforce brings a broader spectrum of talents, perspectives, and innovative approaches, which is critical for tackling the complex and constantly evolving threats in today’s digital landscape. It's crucial for addressing complex, ever-evolving threats effectively and for building a more inclusive and equitable industry.

The visible absence of women in the cybersecurity industry can deter other potential candidates from entering the field. Although there is an increase in efforts to involve women in STEM from a young age, there is still a significant gap in encouraging access to cybersecurity education for women.

With the growing demand for cybersecurity talent, how can companies attract and retain more women in technical and leadership roles within this sector?

There are thousands of openings in cybersecurity companies around the world at any one time, and yet, research in Ireland last year showed 27% of companies have difficulty retaining female talent in their cybersecurity team.

Diversity in the workplace means creating an environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued, included, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and talents. It's not just about meeting quotas; it's about harnessing the full potential of a diverse workforce to drive innovation.

To help attract and retain more women in technical and leadership roles in the industry, organisations should prioritise robust diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. This can include revising recruitment practices to ensure they are inclusive and encourage a diverse range of applicants. Creating an environment that promotes equal opportunities and ensures that all employees feel supported and valued is crucial. Establishing mentorship programs, leadership training, and career development opportunities tailored to women in tech can help foster a more inclusive environment and pave the way for women to take on leadership roles. Moreover, organisations can focus on creating internal policies that promote flexibility and work-life balance, which are often key factors in retaining top female talent. By fostering an inclusive culture and offering structured development paths, companies can ensure that their DEI initiatives go beyond just hiring and help create long-term career opportunities for women in cybersecurity and other technical fields.

At Smarttech247, we founded our Women in Cybersecurity Academy in 2020 which has now run every year since. The Academy has been very successful and its curriculum covers the knowledge and skills required to tackle the ever-growing range of cyber-attacks in an intensive, six-week course. We reward the top performers in the academy with a placement at Smarttech247, which allows us to grow and strengthen our workforce. Moreover, we have robust policies and practices in place to ensure an inclusive work environment, where all employees feel valued and empowered to contribute.

We have recruitment processes that are designed to attract a diverse range of talent, and we actively promote career development opportunities for all employees. We also focus on fostering a culture of continuous learning, providing mentorship programs, and offering leadership pathways to ensure everyone has the opportunity to grow and succeed within the organisation.

What role do mentorship and sponsorship play in advancing women’s careers in tech, and how do you see those dynamics playing out in cybersecurity specifically?

Mentorship and sponsorship are crucial for advancing women’s careers. These relationships help build confidence, offer professional guidance, and open doors to networking opportunities vital for career progression. Mentors who have faced similar challenges in cybersecurity can provide invaluable support, helping women navigate the industry and successfully integrate into their roles.

Specifically in cybersecurity, imposter syndrome can be common among women who are starting their careers. Mentors can encourage and help women feel confident in their ability to progress to more senior roles.  

As a woman who has succeeded in both business and tech, what personal experiences or insights have been pivotal in shaping your leadership approach?

Several key experiences have shaped my leadership approach. One of the most pivotal was when I first started with the Company. We were just a handful of people, and being part of that early stage meant wearing multiple hats and focusing on getting things done. It required a "roll up your sleeves" mentality, which I believe has been critical to our success. I’ve been very focused on growing the Company, and through a combination of hard work, strategic thinking, and building strong teams, we’ve expanded significantly. Today, we’re nearly 200 people strong, and that same work ethic, combined with adaptability and a focus on execution, remains central to our culture.

For me, continuous learning and a growth mindset have been pivotal in my leadership journey. This mindset of lifelong learning not only pushes me to stay at the forefront of my field but also inspires my teams to do the same.

About Raluca Saceanu

Raluca Saceanu is CEO of London listed Smarttech247. Having joined Smarttech247 in 2014 as one of its first ten employees, she has taken on roles from Marketing Director to Director of Enterprise Strategy, Chief Operating Officer and now Chief Executive Officer.

Raluca holds a Master of Science in Strategic Management from the University of Innsbruck and received the Women in Technology Advocate Award by Deloitte in 2021.
