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Interview with Chris Todd, CEO of Theatro: How Emerging Technologies are Transforming Retail

We caught up with Chris Todd, President and CEO of Theatro. A pioneer in AI-driven wearable technology for frontline retail staff, Chris has over 25 years of experience in the tech industry. He shared his insights on how emerging technologies are transforming retail operations and enhancing customer experiences.

Right now, generative AI technologies are driving a significant impact on the retail customer experience, particularly in the store setting. For instance, by integrating GenAI tech into the store’s mobile communication, associates can access detailed product or process information without breaking their interaction with the customer–ultimately building trust and improving the overall quality of service.

But implementation comes with its own set of challenges. A key issue is ensuring that GenAI augments rather than replaces the human element in customer interactions. We encourage our customers to take a phased approach to implementation, with continuous, hands-on training for employees. This ensures that store associates are not just familiar with the technology, but also confident in using it for day-to-day tasks. Focusing on practical applications and real-time support will help you avoid many common challenges with GenAI adoption so that your team can use the technology to better service the customer.

Can you share more about the GenAI implementation challenges retailers encounter?

Retail workers have a big task in front of them: customers expect a seamless and personalized experience, and store leadership expect improved operational efficiency. GenAI helps with both of these priorities, but jumping in headfirst can lead to more problems than solutions. Rushing into implementation without a clear strategy typically results in use case misalignment and budget overextension–ultimately resulting in failed projects. Even selecting the right GenAI project can be a challenge; the key is to choose a process or program that is referenced frequently and with the right level of complexity, and that will ultimately drive value to the business. During implementation, having clean data can be another common roadblock, as bad or poorly-constructed data increases the likelihood of failure.  

How is Theatro helping retailers implement GenAI more thoughtfully and strategically?

We work with our customers to develop a phased approach that allows them to implement GenAI gradually. By taking a ‘Crawl, Walk, Run’ approach, we find that retailers are able to maximize GenAI’s potential while minimizing its risks.

In the Crawl stage, retailers should focus on basic applications that can provide immediate, tangible benefits to the team. For example, try adding it to routine customer service tasks or employee onboarding processes. This helps everyone get comfortable with the tech while laying a foundation for the next stage.

In the Walk stage, retailers can broaden GenAI to areas of the business that impact efficiency and customer experience. Look for automated processes or workflows tied to team productivity; layering in GenAI here will help you gain momentum.  In this phase, more departments are collaborating in the implementation, and everyone can see GenAI’s impact on larger business priorities.

In the Run stage, GenAI is deployed across the entire operation, becoming a tool that provides real-time, on-demand access to crucial information. For example, store associates can tap into product information, obtain product recommendations, or receive process-related prompts regarding follow-up task items.. At this point, retailers shift into a mode of continuous improvement, so that genAI continues to align with and support the business’ evolution.

At the end of the day, it’s all about taking a people-first approach. GenAI should enhance the capabilities of your team, so focus on ways to augment the unique benefits they bring to the customer relationship. By placing your team at the heart of your GenAI strategy, you’ll see the greatest impact and success.

About Chris

Chris is responsible for leading Theatro’s overall direction, strategy, and growth. Chris is a “roll up your sleeves” type leader who is passionate about the strategy of a business. Chris believes that most every idea can be a winner…it’s all about figuring out the strategy angles to drive success! As a co-founder, Chris has been instrumental in guiding Theatro from an early innovative concept into a fast-paced growth company.

Chris has 25+ years of experience in senior executive positions with small start-ups and large multinationals in a diverse array of industries, including software, networking and apps for leading hardware and software companies including Cisco Systems, AppTrigger, Metaswitch, Extreme Networks and Newbridge Networks.
