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Interview with Thad Price: Harnessing Big Data for Better Hiring

In today's data-driven world, Talroo's Frontline Worker Index (FWI) stands out as a vital tool for understanding the labor market. Offering near real-time insights, the FWI analyzes job supply and demand, wages, schedules, and other key metrics to help HR professionals and recruiters craft effective hiring strategies.

Talroo, a talent matching marketplace, uses advanced technology and extensive data to tap into new sources of quality candidates. CEO Thad Price, a visionary in talent acquisition, discusses the FWI's innovative features and its impact on recruitment.

How does the Frontline Worker Index leverage big data and analytics to provide employers with actionable insights to help them hire better?

TP: The FWI leverages big data and advanced analytics to turn raw information into actionable insights and builds on the foundation of Talroo Insights, former winner of HR Tech Product of the Year by HR Executive Magazine. The index offers a comprehensive view of the labor market by processing Talroo's monthly data from over 26 million job posts and integrating 187 million data points. This extensive dataset allows us to identify trends and patterns in job supply, demand, wages, and other critical metrics. By providing employers with this data, we enable them to make more data-driven decisions, quickly see the hiring landscape in its entirety, and understand what needs to be done to hire and retain the top talent. Through sharing this data, we aim to lift the "black box" that has previously surrounded much of the hiring world, enabling a new era of transparency and informed decision-making – all focused on helping businesses recruit the workers that play such an integral role in driving our economy forward.

A quick note about our data, for clarification: when we say we process 26 million job posts a month, that is not to say there are 26 million job openings in the U.S. – according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there were about 8.1 million job openings in June 2024. Despite our best efforts to consolidate all job posts, there may still be duplicates based on postings with different titles, posting locations, or other information. We are still able to glean a lot of valuable information from all our job posts and the datapoints we’ve processed, based on what candidates click and general averages.

How does the FWI's ability to filter by worker categories, states, and specific job roles enhance the recruitment strategies for HR professionals and recruiters?

TP: The ability to filter reports by worker categories, states, and specific job roles is a crucial feature of the Frontline Worker Index. This level of granularity allows HR professionals and recruiters to tailor their strategies to the specific needs and conditions of their target labor market. For example, a $13.00 hourly wage for a restaurant busser in TX would be exceptional based on the state average $11.22, but completely unacceptable in WA where the average wage for that role is over $18.50. This localized and role-specific information helps recruiters to offer competitive wages and identify the potential competition for candidates. By providing these detailed insights, the FWI enables companies to make data-driven decisions and better understand the hiring environment.

Can you discuss any upcoming features or enhancements to the Frontline Worker Index that Talroo plans to implement and how these will benefit HR professionals and recruiters?

TP: One of the upcoming features we are excited about is the integration of more granular data filters, allowing users to drill down into specific job roles and geographic locations with greater precision. We will also have live Q&A sessions with our data analyst and other guests to inform users about significant changes in the labor market, such as wage spikes or shifts in job demand. Another enhancement is incorporating predictive analytics, which will offer foresight into future labor market trends based on historical data. These updates hold great potential to empower HR professionals and recruiters, instilling hope and optimism about the future of talent acquisition.

The Frontline Worker Index is set to provide vital insights into the labor market, helping HR professionals and recruiters better understand and navigate workforce dynamics. As Talroo continues to update and refine the FWI, users can look forward to more detailed data and practical tools to inform their hiring strategies. Keep an eye out for future updates to the FWI, as it will continue to offer valuable information that can help businesses adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving labor market.
